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Writer's pictureKicki Hansard

Accreditation Programme: A Journey of Support, Not Assessment

Two women, a doula and her mentor drinking tea and smiling.

If you’re new to doula work, the whole process can feel overwhelming. One of the most common worries we hear is, "What if I’m not ready? What if I don’t know enough?" It’s natural to have these concerns, especially when you’re dealing with something as important as birth and postnatal care. But here’s the thing: The BirthBliss Academy accreditation programme isn’t about testing you or ticking boxes—it’s about supporting you through those crucial first steps in your career.

We know it’s daunting to take those first steps into the unknown. But that’s where the BirthBliss Doula Coaches come in—they walk alongside you, not as evaluators, but as mentors, ready to guide and encourage you through your first real-world experiences. Let’s dig deeper into why the BirthBliss Academy accreditation is set up to be a support system rather than a standardised assessment process.

Why It’s Not About Assessing You

Let’s face it—no one learns everything about doula work in a classroom. Experience is key, and the BirthBliss accreditation is built around that idea. We’re not here to mark you against a checklist. Instead, we focus on giving you the right tools and support to start your journey. That’s why the accreditation process is centred on guiding you through your first four birth jobs and your first four postnatal jobs.

Think of it as having someone in your corner as you navigate the world of doula work, rather than someone judging your every move. We’re here to help you find your feet, make mistakes, learn from them, and ultimately gain the confidence to stand on your own.

A Structured Path with a Clear Finish Line

One of the most important things we can offer you as a new doula is a clear path forward. It’s all too easy to feel like you're drifting without direction, especially in such an emotional and unpredictable field. That’s why our accreditation process sets clear goals: those first four birth and four postnatal jobs. These milestones aren’t just random numbers—they’re achievable markers that give you a sense of completion and success.

But here’s the key: as a doula, you are never fully qualified. Even after supporting hundreds of clients, there is always something new to learn. Birth and postnatal work are as unique as the individuals you support, and the learning journey never stops. This is why we’ve set the limit at four births and four postnatal jobs—enough to give you the confidence and experience to navigate early challenges, but also to remind you that you’re always growing, always learning.

By setting these milestones, we help you move from ‘newbie’ to ‘confident doula.’ You won’t be wondering, "Am I good enough?" Instead, you’ll have a clear finish line in sight, and with every job you complete, you’ll feel a little more grounded and sure of yourself. However, this is just the beginning of your lifelong learning as a doula.

Support, Not Rescue

We've had important conversation about the difference between support and rescue, and it’s worth exploring here. As doulas, we often feel a natural pull to ‘save’ or ‘fix’ things. It’s in our nature to want to make everything better for the families we work with. But it’s just as important to remember that our job is to support, not rescue. This same principle applies to how we work with you during the accreditation process.

We’re not here to hold your hand through every decision or take over when things get tough. Instead, we’ll offer guidance, provide a listening ear, and point you in the right direction when you need it. It’s about helping you build resilience and find your own way, rather than stepping in to solve every problem for you.

BirthBliss Doula Coaches: A Key Role

Your BirthBliss Doula Coach plays a crucial role in this process. They aren’t just mentors; they’re your cheerleaders, your sounding board, and your guides through those first jobs. After each job, you’ll sit down with your coach and talk things through. These sessions are not about picking apart what you did right or wrong—they’re a safe space for reflection, discussion, and learning.

Your coach will help you analyse the experience, consider the family dynamics, and explore how to handle tricky moments that might arise again. For example, perhaps you found it difficult to support a birthing mother who had conflicting wishes with her partner. Your BirthBliss Doula Coach will help you unpack this, offering different strategies for handling such situations in the future.

They’ll also help you balance practical and emotional support. In those first few jobs, it’s common to feel uncertain about where the line is between offering too much or too little help. Your coach is there to provide the perspective of someone who has been through it all before and can guide you in finding your own rhythm as a doula.

What Happens After Accreditation?

One question that comes up a lot is, "What if I don’t feel ready after completing the accreditation?" It’s a valid concern. Doula work is deeply personal, and some of us might feel ready after completing the accreditation programme, while others might need more time.

If you’re still feeling unsure after finishing your BirthBliss accreditation, we have an option for that too. You can arrange to continue working with your BirthBliss Doula Coach on a private basis. This ongoing coaching offers more opportunities to learn from your experiences, reflect on challenges, and grow in confidence.

Of course, this private arrangement comes at an additional cost, but it provides a tailored experience to meet your needs. Whether you’re facing a complex birth or just want more debriefs to help you process your early jobs, this option ensures you never feel left without support.

Beyond private coaching, we also offer a supportive Facebook group where you can connect with other doulas in the BirthBliss community. This group is a space for sharing experiences, asking questions, and finding camaraderie with others who are walking the same path. You’ll never feel alone, even if you're miles away from your nearest doula.

Additionally, our monthly Doula the Doula Zoom sessions are another layer of ongoing support. These sessions allow you to join live discussions, share your thoughts, and learn from others. It’s a fantastic opportunity to check in, connect with peers, and stay engaged with your learning long after the accreditation process is complete.

The Importance of the First Two Years

The first two years in any job are critical, and it’s no different for doulas. In those early years, you’ll face challenges you never saw coming. Every birth is different, every family has unique needs, and you’ll need to be adaptable, calm, and confident.

Our role is to be there for you throughout the first two years of your journey. Think of it as a safety net—a place to turn when things feel overwhelming, or you need a second opinion. You’re never left to fend for yourself. Whether it’s navigating tricky dynamics with a family or handling the emotional ups and downs that come with birth work, we’re here to guide you.

The goal isn’t to create dependency but to ensure you’re building the skills, confidence, and resilience needed to stand on your own as a professional doula. You won’t be left floating in the deep end; we’ll always be there to offer you guidance when you need it most.

Real-Life Stories: The First Steps as a Doula

Let’s bring this idea to life with some real examples. Take Emily, one of our recent graduates. After completing her doula course, she felt like she was walking into a vast unknown. During her first birth, she faced moments of doubt, wondering if she was offering enough to the family she was supporting. Having a BirthBliss Doula Coach to debrief with after that first job made all the difference. She didn’t need rescuing, just someone to talk through the experience, reflect, and help her feel grounded for the next one.

Then there’s Sarah, who was nervous about her postnatal job. She was unsure of how to balance providing emotional support with practical help in a new family’s home. Her BirthBliss Doula Coach helped her see that she already had the tools she needed, guiding her through the process and showing her how to trust her instincts. By the time she completed her fourth postnatal job, Sarah had gone from tentative to confident.

These are just a couple of stories, but they illustrate the point: BirthBliss accreditation isn’t about marking you as ‘qualified’ or ‘not qualified’. It’s about making sure you feel equipped to handle the real-world challenges of being a doula, with support that continues long after the course is over.

Long-Term Benefits of the BirthBliss Approach

When you step back and look at the big picture, the BirthBliss accreditation is about more than just getting through your first few jobs. It’s about setting you up for long-term success in a career that’s both rewarding and challenging.

  • Confidence: By the time you finish the accreditation, you’ll have worked with enough families to feel sure of your abilities.

  • Community: You’ll be part of a network of doulas who’ve gone through the same journey, offering mutual support and advice.

  • Mentorship: Even after the accreditation, you can continue working with your BirthBliss Doula Coach if you feel you need extra support.

  • Sustainability: We’re not just throwing you into the deep end and hoping you’ll swim. We’re here to ensure you’re truly ready to succeed.

A Path to Empowerment, Not Judgment

At BirthBliss Academy, we believe in empowering you, not judging you. Our accreditation process is all about making sure you feel supported, capable, and ready to thrive as a doula. We know that the first two years of doula work are filled with learning curves, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

So, if you’re wondering whether you’re ready to start this journey—know that we’re not here to test you. We’re here to help you succeed.

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