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The Role of Doulas in a Politically Charged World

Writer: Kicki HansardKicki Hansard
Hands in the air holding each other.

I’ll be honest—I’ve gone back and forth about whether to speak out on this issue. I’m sure I’m not alone; many doulas are likely feeling pressure, confusion, or uncertainty about where we should stand on matters that touch on conflict and global crises. So, I’m writing this blog to hopefully help others see a different perspective. I respect everyone’s individual choices on these matters, but this is where I stand.

At The BirthBliss Academy, we’re honoured to work with doulas from all walks of life. Our community reflects an incredible diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. My hope is for everyone who’s part of our organisation to feel safe and respected, knowing that there is space here for their individuality and personal perspectives. And just as we seek to support our clients unconditionally, I also want our doulas to feel that they can bring their whole selves into this work, free from judgment or pressure.

When we think about doulas, we imagine empathy, support, and unconditional care. Our role is to walk beside women and their families in some of the most profound and vulnerable moments of their lives, guiding them through birth and early parenthood. But as the world becomes more polarised, we’re increasingly being encouraged to publicly demonstrate solidarity on political issues, especially those surrounding conflicts and crises across the globe.

At The BirthBliss Academy, we believe that a doula’s strength lies in providing support and informed choices to clients—without pushing a personal agenda. This blog post explores the unique position doulas hold in times of political and social strife and why neutrality in our profession is crucial.

How External Pressures Affect Doulas

With tensions rising in different parts of the world, there’s an expectation for individuals, organisations, and public figures to publicly demonstrate solidarity with specific causes. Social media has amplified this expectation, and doulas are no exception. We’re often encouraged to make public statements, show visible support for particular issues, or even align ourselves with certain viewpoints. Yet, this can be deeply challenging for doulas whose core mission is to support clients without judgement, rather than publicly advocate for specific causes.

At The BirthBliss Academy, we absolutely believe in standing up for issues around women’s empowerment, reproductive health, and birth rights. These areas are central to our work, and in these contexts, doulas may feel called to take a stand to ensure every woman has safe, informed, and compassionate support. However, when it comes to broader societal conflicts and debates, our role shifts back to one of neutrality. We’re here to hold space for people from all backgrounds, fostering an inclusive environment that respects diverse beliefs. Our aim is to create a world where everyone feels welcome in the care of a doula.

When we move beyond neutrality in broader social or political matters, we risk alienating clients and breaking the trust we work so hard to build. Our clients come from all walks of life, holding diverse beliefs and perspectives. Promoting a specific viewpoint—whether that’s a book, a political stance, or an activist movement—can compromise the feeling of safety and comfort we aim to foster. We know that any environment charged with judgement or an expectation can become one where clients feel uncomfortable, judged, or misunderstood. And that’s exactly what we want to avoid.

The True Casualties of Conflict

In any conflict, those who suffer the most are the innocent: the families, women, and children. As birth workers, we understand that mothers, babies, and young families are especially vulnerable in times of instability. Conflict disrupts life in unimaginable ways, tearing apart communities, limiting access to resources, and shattering the safety net people rely on.

For women especially, conflict often adds layers of hardship and fear. Yet, it’s also women who show remarkable resilience, courage, and solidarity, supporting each other through the most difficult times. In our work, we see the strength that comes from women lifting one another up. This is why, in times of global tension, it’s so essential to stay united rather than divided along ideological or political lines. When we feel pressured to align with certain views, we risk building barriers rather than bridges at a time when women and families need us most.

War and division go against the very principles of humanity and compassion that our work as doulas is built upon. Standing together against anything that causes harm to innocent people—especially the most vulnerable—allows us to support a world where love, empathy, and mutual support prevail over conflict. Rather than getting caught up in the politics, we can unite against any force that threatens humanity, showing that true strength lies in supporting one another through all circumstances.

Why Doulas Don’t Need an Agenda

At The BirthBliss Academy, we know that true support means meeting people where they are. When we carry an agenda—whether political, ideological, or otherwise—we lose the very essence of what it means to be a doula. This doesn’t mean we don’t have personal beliefs, but our role as doulas is to set these aside when we step into the birthing room or postnatal home.

Our mission is to create a space where clients feel comfortable making their own decisions, informed by evidence and free from the weight of our opinions. To respect each client’s journey, we need to come in with what I call an “empty cup”—free of preconceived ideas, judgments, or biases. If we’re promoting or rejecting a book, theory, or belief on social media or in conversation with clients, we’re subtly introducing a level of judgement. And this is the last thing clients need in a moment as profound as birth.

It’s essential to remember that doulas exist to support, not to judge or push a particular narrative. We’re here to help people make informed choices about their births and early parenting—not to tell them what’s right or wrong in broader societal issues.

Holding Space for Everyone

One of the most beautiful aspects of doula work is the diversity of clients we serve. Each one has their own story, belief system, and worldview. They come to us with unique backgrounds, expectations, and experiences. The same is true for the doulas in our community—each one brings a unique perspective to the table. At The BirthBliss Academy, our goal is to honour each person’s individuality, offering them a safe, non-judgemental space.

Imagine the discomfort a client might feel if they thought their doula held opposing political views, or that their doula was silently judging them based on their cultural beliefs. This is why neutrality is key. When we set aside our personal biases and embrace a neutral position, we allow our clients and fellow doulas the freedom to bring their whole selves into the birth space. This approach builds trust and ensures that our support is unwavering.

Staying Grounded in Times of Conflict

Remaining neutral doesn’t mean we’re indifferent to the suffering around us. Many doulas are deeply compassionate people, moved by injustice and suffering. But we need to remember that our role is not to solve the world’s problems—it’s to support those who come to us for care and guidance.

Here are a few ways doulas can stay grounded:

  • Limit Exposure to Triggering Content: If watching the news or engaging in social media debates affects your mental well-being, set boundaries to protect your peace. You need a clear mind to fully support your clients.

  • Practice Self-Care: Staying neutral and compassionate can be emotionally taxing, especially when the world feels turbulent. Invest in self-care practices to recharge and maintain a calm, centred approach.

  • Stay Connected to Your Core Purpose: Remember why you became a doula in the first place. It’s likely that your motivation was rooted in providing care, offering comfort, and empowering people to make informed choices. Keep these values at the forefront of your practice.

  • Be a Source of Comfort, Not Conflict: In every interaction, remind yourself that your role is to bring peace and calm—not to add stress or division. Aim to create a nurturing environment that allows clients to feel supported, no matter what’s happening in the wider world.

Respecting Each Other’s Choices and Professionalism

One of the unfortunate outcomes of external pressures to show alignment on social issues is the rise in criticism—sometimes even bullying—of those who choose to remain neutral. As doulas and birth workers, we understand the weight of these times, but we must also recognise the harm that comes from judging or attempting to “cancel” others simply for their personal choices. Many doulas and doula training organisations are made up of self-employed women who depend on their work to make a living.

Cancelling or disparaging each other undermines the support networks we have built and creates divisions that go against our purpose.

At The BirthBliss Academy, we believe in the importance of personal choice. Whether you’re having a baby, stepping into new parenthood, or working as a doula, everyone deserves the freedom to make choices that feel right to them—without fear of judgement. Our mission is to create an environment where everyone is respected for their individual path, with the assurance that they can bring their whole selves into the experience without outside pressure or expectation.

Neutrality is not indifference; it’s often a deliberate choice rooted in the desire to offer non-judgemental, inclusive care. When we show respect for each other’s decisions and professionalism, we reinforce the foundation of mutual support and compassion that birth work is built upon. No one should feel pressured, bullied, or penalised for choosing neutrality, especially when our ultimate mission is to create safe, empowering spaces for women and families. By focusing on our shared goals, we can avoid unnecessary division and work toward a more supportive, united community.

Choosing to Stand with Humanity, Not Sides

In a world filled with conflict, we can choose to stand with humanity itself. We can be advocates for kindness, compassion, and peace, without positioning ourselves as part of any one ideological group. We can raise awareness of the suffering of women and children in conflict zones without taking a political stance. We can highlight the impacts of war on families without promoting division.

For doulas, neutrality is not a stance of inaction; it’s a conscious choice to prioritise peace and inclusivity. Our neutrality allows us to support people from all walks of life, with the understanding that our role is not to change the world through politics, but to change the lives of the families we support. By remaining neutral, we show clients that we’re there for them—for their journey, their choices, and their unique experience of birth and parenting.

Doula Work as a Beacon of Hope in Challenging Times

We may not be able to stop wars or resolve global conflicts, but we can be a beacon of hope in a chaotic world. In birth rooms, in postnatal homes, and in the support circles we create, doulas bring a sense of calm and compassion that can make a profound difference. By refusing to let politics divide our work, we maintain the purity of our purpose and stay true to our calling.

Let’s continue to stand with humanity and compassion, showing the world that, as doulas, our greatest strength lies in our ability to support, empower, and comfort without judgement. In a world of divisiveness, we can be a quiet force for unity, reminding people of the importance of love, empathy, and unconditional care.

This is how I feel on the matter, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to convince anyone to think the same. Each doula and individual is free to choose the path that feels right to them. My hope in sharing this perspective is simply to offer one way of navigating the complexities we face today while affirming that there’s space for all beliefs and backgrounds within The BirthBliss Academy. We’re here to support each other, embrace our diversity, and stay true to the values that guide us in this work. At the end of the day, it’s about respect, compassion, and creating a safe environment for everyone.

This article was written with the support of AI to help bring together insights and ideas effectively. All content has been carefully crafted and reviewed to ensure it aligns with the values and mission of The BirthBliss Academy.



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